Central Eurasian Scholars and Media Initiative

Carolin Maertens is an editor of the CESMI blog ‘My take on’.

by Carolin Maertens

A rubber boat crossing the lake that a mudslide created near Barsem on the Pamir Highway in Tajikistan. © 2015 Carolin Maertens

Carolin Maertens is an editor and occasional contributor of the blog series ‘My take on…’, a joint blog-project of the BBC Central Asian Service and the Central Eurasian Media and Scholars Initiative (CESMI). In ‘My Take On’ scholars from within and outside Central Eurasia regularly provide fresh opinions on Central Eurasian politics, culture and history. Contributions to ‘My Take On’ are published in Kyrgyz, Uzbek and English.

CESMI is a public society that aims to foster contacts and communication among scholars and journalists with the goal of a better informed and more constructive public discussion of issues facing Central Eurasian societies. In addition to the blog, the society maintains an experts directory, providing journalists with easy and reliable access to first-hand, cutting-edge research on a wide range of topics concerning the wider Central Eurasian region.


Blog Post

Recent floods highlight the Tajik Pamirs’ entanglements with the outside world

27 September 2015
Central Eurasian Scholars & Media Initiative (CESMI)

Highland Asia Research Group
LMU, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oettingenstr. 67
80538 Munich, Germany
martin.saxer@lmu.de | +49 89 2180 9639

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